PSP Go and DSi = FAIL

If you're thinking of buying either a PSP Go or a DSi ,you should reconsider . I'll explain why.

1. If you're gaming anywhere and you don't want to suck , you'll need concentration . It is unlikely to find it in the metro or on the bus . Ok so you'll be able to play on road trips . A lot of games aren't made to be played for short periods of time . The only time you'll actually have the time to play your system without being distracted ,tired or half-awake , it's at home . But, at home , you could play 360 , PS3 or PC.

2. Let's say you find the time on the go and somehow the concentration as well , you play your system , then suddenly you have to stop for some reason so you put it on sleep or whatever. Later, you turn it on and you find your game on pause , so you resume and keep on playing and you suck because you're not into it or if you don't even feel like playing you'll just quit and listen to music or something . When you'll feel like playing again you'll end up playing the same thing you played before witch might get boring . Especially the <<>> scenario occurs multiple times.

3. The Nintendo DSi has SOME ( 3 or 4 ) games that you'll be able to comfortably play on the go . But, what the fuck are you paying for ? A gimmicky pen and a cheap ass camera ? Shitty features await you! You could go spend a hundred something dollars on a DSi . You'll eventually get bored taking pictures and playing games that have a style for 5 year old's.

4. The PSP Go ! is somewhat OK but far from perfect. A 16 gig hard drive is included . There's a lot of good things on the PSP store but most of them are not free. You're going to have to spend lot's and lot's of money if you want to keep the dust away from your PSP . Sure you can put your movies and songs on the PSP for free but the problem is that you'll have to download em from somewhere else. Second problem ( SEE NO. 2 ).

5. So what am I suggesting ? Not to buy anything ? The device you should buy is the iPod touch. Why ? a lot of free and fun apps , lot's of music and movies . Sure you can spend more money on apps than you can on games for the DSi or PSP but you're money will be well spent . Mini games that are offered , are very fun and could be played anytime , anywhere . Point proved by me.

Thank you for reading ,
-Evil Prawn


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