New Street Fighter ????

Capcom announced Super Street Fighter 4 . It's the game everyone already bought , but it'll have 8 new characters and some kind of new online feature. This game will most likely be 50 $ . Wait , there's more ! The people who bought the original Street Fighter 4 will get some kind of bonus if they buy this one . Aint that awesome !! Let's all go spend 50 more bucks on this game . Seriously though WTF ! I hate when developers try to squeeze every last drop of money they can from something . If you don't have this game , then it might be a good idea to buy the Super one. No that's not what Capcom is trying to do . Capcom wants people to go out and buy the same damn game again . Who the fuck is going to spend 50 $ more just to get new characters and a little multiplayer add-on. Think before you start making something stupid like this . BTW , realease date is 2010.


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